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Research Site Close-up:

Greater Tzaneen, SOUTH AFRICA

Cultural-religious groups include Christians with a range of syncretic traditional Southern African beliefs and practices living in the surrounding rural villages of Tzaneen, South Africa

PIs:  Amanda Tarullo (PI) • Denise Evans (Co-PI) • Peter Rockers (Co-PI)


PI: Kushnir

Amanda Tarullo
Denise Evans
Peter Rockers

Amanda Tarullo (PI) is an Associate Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences at Boston University, where she is also Director of the Developmental Science Doctoral Program and a Faculty Affiliate of the Center for Systems Neuroscience. Her research focuses on how sociocontextual factors shape the developing brain and biological stress systems, and on identifying neurodevelopmental mechanisms that link early life stress to child cognitive outcomes. She is an Associate Editor of Developmental Psychobiology and was named an Outstanding Early Career Psychologist by APA Division 52, International Psychology.


Denise Evans (Co-PI) is a Principal Researcher at the Health Economics and Epidemiology Research Office (HE2RO), a division of the Wits Health Consortium, with more than 13 years of research experience focused on optimizing HIV, TB, and drug-resistant TB treatment outcomes. She has a joint position in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand as an Associate Professor. She is currently the technical lead of the Tuberculosis research area at HE2RO and has an interest in community-based interventions to address the health needs of people in under-resourced communities.


Peter Rockers (Co-PI)  is an Associate Professor in the Department of Global Health at the Boston University School of Public Health. His research focuses on evaluating early childhood interventions in low- and middle-income countries using experimental methods. He is involved in ongoing cluster-randomized trials in South Africa, Zambia, and Indonesia testing the effects of home- and community-based interventions on child neurodevelopment and related outcomes. Dr. Rockers received a Doctor of Science degree from the Harvard School of Public Health.

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The Developing Belief Network is funded by The John Templeton Foundation, with additional support from the University of California, Riverside and Boston University, and involves a partnership with Databrary.

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